Review of the Barbeque Meatball Grill Basket

by TC McRae

Meatball Grill Basket

Most people have probably not heard of barbeque meatballs. Meatballs are something that you eat with a pasta dish in the experience of many. Now for those of us who are somewhat knowledgeable on the topic know that meatballs cooked on the grill (and especially the smoker grill) can be pretty tasty. The guys at the BBQ Brethren forum even have a barbeque meatball dish that they call MOINK balls that are made primarily of beef and wrapped in pork bacon. The folks at contacted me about a review of a new tool just for cooking meatballs on the grill. They call it a Meatball Grill Basket and it looks like it would do a pretty good job of cooking any kind of meatball on the an outdoor fire. For all of us outdoor meatball aficionados this looks very promising. No more pans or contraptions for getting the surface area of the meatballs exposed to the cook fire. This tool also looks like it would work well on a backyard barbeque smoker. With its silicone handles it can probably withstand being in the smoker pit. It is a product of the fancy cooking utensil gurus at Williams Sonoma. It's a little pricey for using outside on the grill but I would give it strong consideration. Maybe the guys over at WS would consider sending me one to out it through its paces (wishful thinking I'm sure). If you would like to read more on the review of the product check out this link.

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